669 lines
29 KiB
669 lines
29 KiB
* Redux Framework API Class
* Makes instantiating a Redux object an absolute piece of cake.
* @package Redux_Framework
* @author Dovy Paukstys
* @subpackage Core
// Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
// Don't duplicate me!
if ( ! class_exists( 'Redux' ) ) {
* Redux API Class
* Simple API for Redux Framework
* @since 1.0.0
class Redux {
public static $fields = array();
public static $sections = array();
public static $help = array();
public static $args = array();
public static $priority = array();
public static $errors = array();
public static $init = array();
public static $extensions = array();
public static $uses_extensions = array();
public function __call( $closure, $args ) {
return call_user_func_array( $this->{$closure}->bindTo( $this ), $args );
public function __toString() {
return call_user_func( $this->{"__toString"}->bindTo( $this ) );
public static function load() {
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( 'Redux', 'createRedux' ));
add_action( 'init', array( 'Redux', 'createRedux' ));
add_action( 'switch_theme', array( 'Redux', 'createRedux' ));
public static function init( $opt_name = "" ) {
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) ) {
self::loadRedux( $opt_name );
remove_action( 'setup_theme', array( 'Redux', 'createRedux' ) );
public static function loadExtensions( $ReduxFramework ) {
if ( $instanceExtensions = self::getExtensions( $ReduxFramework->args['opt_name'], "" ) ) {
foreach ( $instanceExtensions as $name => $extension ) {
if ( ! class_exists( $extension['class'] ) ) {
// In case you wanted override your override, hah.
$extension['path'] = apply_filters( 'redux/extension/' . $ReduxFramework->args['opt_name'] . '/' . $name, $extension['path'] );
if ( file_exists( $extension['path'] ) ) {
require_once $extension['path'];
if ( ! isset( $ReduxFramework->extensions[ $name ] ) ) {
if ( class_exists( $extension['class'] ) ) {
$ReduxFramework->extensions[ $name ] = new $extension['class']( $ReduxFramework );
//if (isset($ReduxFramework->extensions[ $name ]->min_redux_version)) {
//var_dump($ReduxFramework->extensions[ $name ]->min_redux_version);
} else {
echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>No class named <strong>' . $extension['class'] . '</strong> exists. Please verify your extension path.</p></div>';
public static function extensionPath( $extension, $folder = true ) {
if ( ! isset( Redux::$extensions[ $extension ] ) ) {
$path = end( Redux::$extensions[ $extension ] );
if ( ! $folder ) {
return $path;
return str_replace( 'extension_' . $extension . '.php', '', $path );
public static function loadRedux( $opt_name = "" ) {
if ( empty( $opt_name ) ) {
$check = ReduxFrameworkInstances::get_instance( $opt_name );
if ( isset( $check->apiHasRun ) ) {
$args = self::constructArgs( $opt_name );
$sections = self::constructSections( $opt_name );
if ( ! class_exists( 'ReduxFramework' ) ) {
echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>Redux Framework is <strong>not installed</strong>. Please install it.</p></div>';
if ( isset( self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] ) && ! empty( self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
add_action( "redux/extensions/{$opt_name}/before", array( 'Redux', 'loadExtensions' ), 0 );
$redux = new ReduxFramework( $sections, $args );
$redux->apiHasRun = 1;
self::$init[ $opt_name ] = 1;
if ( isset( $redux->args['opt_name'] ) && $redux->args['opt_name'] != $opt_name ) {
self::$init[ $redux->args['opt_name'] ] = 1;
public static function createRedux() {
foreach ( self::$sections as $opt_name => $theSections ) {
if ( ! self::$init[ $opt_name ] ) {
self::loadRedux( $opt_name );
public static function constructArgs( $opt_name ) {
$args = isset( self::$args[ $opt_name ] ) ? self::$args[ $opt_name ] : array();
$args['opt_name'] = $opt_name;
if ( ! isset( $args['menu_title'] ) ) {
$args['menu_title'] = ucfirst( $opt_name ) . ' Options';
if ( ! isset( $args['page_title'] ) ) {
$args['page_title'] = ucfirst( $opt_name ) . ' Options';
if ( ! isset( $args['page_slug'] ) ) {
$args['page_slug'] = $opt_name . '_options';
return $args;
public static function constructSections( $opt_name ) {
$sections = array();
if ( ! isset( self::$sections[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
return $sections;
foreach ( self::$sections[ $opt_name ] as $section_id => $section ) {
$section['fields'] = self::constructFields( $opt_name, $section_id );
$p = $section['priority'];
while ( isset( $sections[ $p ] ) ) {
$sections[ $p ] = $section;
ksort( $sections );
return $sections;
public static function constructFields( $opt_name = "", $section_id = "" ) {
$fields = array();
if ( ! empty( self::$fields[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
foreach ( self::$fields[ $opt_name ] as $key => $field ) {
if ( $field['section_id'] == $section_id ) {
$p = $field['priority'];
while ( isset( $fields[ $p ] ) ) {
echo $p ++;
$fields[ $p ] = $field;
ksort( $fields );
return $fields;
public static function getSection( $opt_name = '', $id = '' ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $id ) ) {
if ( ! isset( self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $id ] ) ) {
$id = strtolower( sanitize_html_class( $id ) );
return isset( self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $id ] ) ? self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $id ] : false;
return false;
public static function setSections( $opt_name = '', $sections = array() ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $sections ) ) {
foreach ( $sections as $section ) {
Redux::setSection( $opt_name, $section );
public static function getSections( $opt_name = '' ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( self::$sections[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
return self::$sections[ $opt_name ];
return array();
public static function removeSection( $opt_name = '', $id = "", $fields = false ) {
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $id ) ) {
if ( isset( self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $id ] ) ) {
$priority = '';
foreach ( self::$sections[ $opt_name ] as $key => $section ) {
if ( $key == $id ) {
$priority = $section['priority'];
self::$priority[ $opt_name ]['sections'] --;
unset( self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $id ] );
if ( $priority != "" ) {
$newPriority = $section['priority'];
$section['priority'] = $priority;
self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $key ] = $section;
$priority = $newPriority;
if ( isset( self::$fields[ $opt_name ] ) && ! empty( self::$fields[ $opt_name ] ) && $fields == true ) {
foreach ( self::$fields[ $opt_name ] as $key => $field ) {
if ( $field['section_id'] == $id ) {
unset( self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $key ] );
public static function setSection( $opt_name = '', $section = array() ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( empty( $section ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $section['id'] ) ) {
if ( isset( $section['type'] ) && $section['type'] == "divide" ) {
$section['id'] = time();
} else {
if ( isset( $section['title'] ) ) {
$section['id'] = strtolower( sanitize_title( $section['title'] ) );
} else {
$section['id'] = time();
if ( ! isset( $section['id'] ) ) {
print_r( $section );
echo "DOVY";
if ( isset( self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $section['id'] ] ) ) {
$orig = $section['id'];
$i = 0;
while ( isset( self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $section['id'] ] ) ) {
$section['id'] = $orig . '_' . $i;
$i ++;
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && is_array( $section ) && ! empty( $section ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $section['id'] ) && ! isset( $section['title'] ) ) {
self::$errors[ $opt_name ]['section']['missing_title'] = "Unable to create a section due to missing id and title.";
if ( ! isset( $section['priority'] ) ) {
$section['priority'] = self::getPriority( $opt_name, 'sections' );
if ( isset( $section['fields'] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $section['fields'] ) && is_array( $section['fields'] ) ) {
self::processFieldsArray( $opt_name, $section['id'], $section['fields'] );
unset( $section['fields'] );
self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $section['id'] ] = $section;
} else {
self::$errors[ $opt_name ]['section']['empty'] = "Unable to create a section due an empty section array or the section variable passed was not an array.";
public static function hideSection( $opt_name = '', $id = '', $hide = true ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $id ) ) {
if ( isset ( self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $id ] ) ) {
self::$sections[ $opt_name ][ $id ]['hidden'] = $hide;
public static function processFieldsArray( $opt_name = "", $section_id = "", $fields = array() ) {
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $section_id ) && is_array( $fields ) && ! empty( $fields ) ) {
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if ( ! is_array( $field ) ) {
$field['section_id'] = $section_id;
self::setField( $opt_name, $field );
public static function getField( $opt_name = '', $id = '' ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $id ) ) {
return isset( self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $id ] ) ? self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $id ] : false;
return false;
public static function hideField( $opt_name = '', $id = '', $hide = true ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $id ) ) {
if ( isset ( self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $id ] ) ) {
if ( ! $hide ) {
self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $id ]['class'] = str_replace( 'hidden', '', self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $id ]['class'] );
} else {
self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $id ]['class'] .= 'hidden';
public static function setField( $opt_name = '', $field = array() ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && is_array( $field ) && ! empty( $field ) ) {
if ( ! isset( $field['priority'] ) ) {
$field['priority'] = self::getPriority( $opt_name, 'fields' );
if ( isset( $field['id'] ) ) {
self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $field['id'] ] = $field;
public static function removeField( $opt_name = '', $id = '' ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $id ) ) {
if ( isset( self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $id ] ) ) {
foreach ( self::$fields[ $opt_name ] as $key => $field ) {
if ( $key == $id ) {
$priority = $field['priority'];
self::$priority[ $opt_name ]['fields'] --;
unset( self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $id ] );
if ( isset( $priority ) && $priority != "" ) {
$newPriority = $field['priority'];
$field['priority'] = $priority;
self::$fields[ $opt_name ][ $key ] = $field;
$priority = $newPriority;
return false;
public static function setHelpTab( $opt_name = "", $tab = array() ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $tab ) ) {
if ( ! isset( self::$args[ $opt_name ]['help_tabs'] ) ) {
self::$args[ $opt_name ]['help_tabs'] = array();
if ( isset( $tab['id'] ) ) {
self::$args[ $opt_name ]['help_tabs'][] = $tab;
} else if ( is_array( end( $tab ) ) ) {
foreach ( $tab as $tab_item ) {
self::$args[ $opt_name ]['help_tabs'][] = $tab_item;
public static function setHelpSidebar( $opt_name = "", $content = "" ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $content ) ) {
self::$args[ $opt_name ]['help_sidebar'] = $content;
public static function setArgs( $opt_name = "", $args = array() ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $args ) && is_array( $args ) ) {
if ( isset( self::$args[ $opt_name ] ) && isset( self::$args[ $opt_name ]['clearArgs'] ) ) {
self::$args[ $opt_name ] = array();
self::$args[ $opt_name ] = wp_parse_args( $args, self::$args[ $opt_name ] );
public static function getArgs( $opt_name = "" ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( self::$args[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
return self::$args[ $opt_name ];
public static function getArg( $opt_name = "", $key = "" ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $key ) && ! empty( self::$args[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
return self::$args[ $opt_name ][ $key ];
} else {
public static function getOption( $opt_name = "", $key = "" ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $key ) ) {
$redux = get_option( $opt_name );
if ( isset( $redux[ $key ] ) ) {
return $redux[ $key ];
} else {
} else {
public static function setOption( $opt_name = "", $key = "", $option = "" ) {
self::check_opt_name( $opt_name );
if ( ! empty( $opt_name ) && ! empty( $key ) ) {
$redux = get_option( $opt_name );
$redux[ $key ] = $option;
return update_option( $opt_name, $redux );
} else {
return false;
public static function getPriority( $opt_name, $type ) {
$priority = self::$priority[ $opt_name ][ $type ];
self::$priority[ $opt_name ][ $type ] += 1;
return $priority;
public static function check_opt_name( $opt_name = "" ) {
if ( empty( $opt_name ) || is_array( $opt_name ) ) {
if ( ! isset( self::$sections[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
self::$sections[ $opt_name ] = array();
self::$priority[ $opt_name ]['sections'] = 1;
if ( ! isset( self::$args[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
self::$args[ $opt_name ] = array();
self::$priority[ $opt_name ]['args'] = 1;
if ( ! isset( self::$fields[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
self::$fields[ $opt_name ] = array();
self::$priority[ $opt_name ]['fields'] = 1;
if ( ! isset( self::$help[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
self::$help[ $opt_name ] = array();
self::$priority[ $opt_name ]['help'] = 1;
if ( ! isset( self::$errors[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
self::$errors[ $opt_name ] = array();
if ( ! isset( self::$init[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
self::$init[ $opt_name ] = false;
* Retrieve metadata from a file. Based on WP Core's get_file_data function
* @since 2.1.1
* @param string $file Path to the file
* @return string
public static function getFileVersion( $file ) {
$data = get_file_data( $file, array( 'version' ), 'plugin' );
return $data[0];
public static function checkExtensionClassFile( $opt_name, $name = "", $class_file = "", $instance = "" ) {
if ( file_exists( $class_file ) ) {
self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] = isset( self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] ) ? self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] : array();
if ( ! in_array( $name, self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ][] = $name;
self::$extensions[ $name ] = isset( self::$extensions[ $name ] ) ? self::$extensions[ $name ] : array();
$version = Redux_Helpers::get_template_version( $class_file );
if ( empty( $version ) && ! empty( $instance ) ) {
if ( isset( $instance->version ) ) {
$version = $instance->version;
self::$extensions[ $name ][ $version ] = isset( self::$extensions[ $name ][ $version ] ) ? self::$extensions[ $name ][ $version ] : $class_file;
$api_check = str_replace( 'extension_' . $name, $name . '_api', $class_file );
if ( file_exists( $api_check ) && ! class_exists( 'Redux_' . ucfirst( $name ) ) ) {
include_once( $api_check );
public static function setExtensions( $opt_name, $path ) {
if ( is_dir( $path ) ) {
$path = trailingslashit( $path );
$folder = str_replace( '.php', '', basename( $path ) );
if ( file_exists( $path . 'extension_' . $folder . '.php' ) ) {
self::checkExtensionClassFile( $opt_name, $folder, $path . 'extension_' . $folder . '.php' );
} else {
$folders = scandir( $path, 1 );
foreach ( $folders as $folder ) {
if ( $folder === '.' or $folder === '..' or $folder[0] == "." ) {
if ( file_exists( $path . $folder . '/extension_' . $folder . '.php' ) ) {
self::checkExtensionClassFile( $opt_name, $folder, $path . $folder . '/extension_' . $folder . '.php' );
} else if ( is_dir( $path . $folder ) ) {
self::setExtensions( $opt_name, $path . $folder );
} else if ( file_exists( $path ) ) {
$name = explode( 'extension_', basename( $path ) );
if ( isset( $name[1] ) && ! empty( $name[1] ) ) {
$name = str_replace( '.php', '', $name[1] );
self::checkExtensionClassFile( $opt_name, $name, $path );
* Method to disables Redux demo mode popup.
public static function disable_demo() {
add_action('ReduxFrameworkPlugin_admin_notice', 'Redux::remove_demo', 0);
add_action('redux_framework_plugin_admin_notice', 'Redux::remove_demo', 0);
* Callback used by Redux::disable_demo() to remove the demo mode notice from Redux.
function remove_demo() {
update_option('ReduxFrameworkPlugin_ACTIVATED_NOTICES', '');
public static function getAllExtensions() {
$redux = ReduxFrameworkInstances::get_all_instances();
foreach ( $redux as $instance ) {
if ( ! empty( self::$uses_extensions[ $instance['args']['opt_name'] ] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $instance['extensions'] ) ) {
Redux::getInstanceExtensions( $instance['args']['opt_name'], $instance );
public static function getInstanceExtensions( $opt_name, $instance = array() ) {
if ( ! empty( self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
if ( empty( $instance ) ) {
$instance = ReduxFrameworkInstances::get_instance( $opt_name );
if ( empty( $instance ) || empty( $instance->extensions ) ) {
foreach ( $instance->extensions as $name => $extension ) {
if ( $name == "widget_areas" ) {
$new = new Redux_Widget_Areas( $instance );
if ( isset( self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ][ $name ] ) ) {
if ( isset( $extension->extension_dir ) ) {
Redux::setExtensions( $opt_name, str_replace( $name, '', $extension->extension_dir ) );
} else if ( isset( $extension->_extension_dir ) ) {
Redux::setExtensions( $opt_name, str_replace( $name, '', $extension->_extension_dir ) );
public static function getExtensions( $opt_name = "", $key = "" ) {
if ( empty( $opt_name ) ) {
if ( empty( $key ) ) {
return self::$extension_paths;
} else {
if ( isset( self::$extension_paths[ $key ] ) ) {
return self::$extension_paths[ $key ];
} else {
if ( empty( self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
Redux::getInstanceExtensions( $opt_name );
if ( empty( self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] ) ) {
return false;
$instanceExtensions = array();
foreach ( self::$uses_extensions[ $opt_name ] as $extension ) {
$class_file = end( self::$extensions[ $extension ] );
$name = str_replace( '.php', '', basename( $extension ) );
$extension_class = 'ReduxFramework_Extension_' . $name;
$instanceExtensions[ $extension ] = array(
'path' => $class_file,
'class' => $extension_class,
'version' => Redux_Helpers::get_template_version( $class_file )
return $instanceExtensions;
return false;